
It’s hard enough for those of us with typical nine to five office jobs to stick to a good diet and commit to a healthy regime but when it comes to truck driving, 保持健康是最大的个人斗争之一. 取决于十大彩票平台的类型和日程安排, some drivers have it harder than others but there are practices that could help improve over all health.

There is a slew of factors that contribute to poor driver health that are mostly circumstantial and are sometimes out of the driver’s control. 其中一些包括:





而有些人则喜欢站立式办公桌和办公室健身房, the truck driver is expected to sit for hours on end while only getting out to stretch their legs at truck stops and their shipping locations. 长时间坐着会导致血液循环不良,甚至出现肠胃问题. 为了缓解这些问题, 尽量多走动走动 在任何地方休息的时候. 这可能意味着每天几次十分钟的散步可以累积起来. 这适用于所有司机,无论是本地的,区域的,还是越野的.

Most of your health and longevity comes from what you put inside your body, so drivers – listen up! 虽然选择少之又少,但选择一个也不是不可能的. Most truck stops and restaurants that line interstates and major roadways are not known to offer the best options, 让实现更健康的生活方式变得更加困难.

卡车司机饮食的主要组成部分是他们的日程安排. 当地的 drivers have a little more say in their food choices whether they cook from home and pack a lunch or have more options in an inner-city environment. Regional drivers may have it a little harder as they will likely need to meal plan and have a microwave in their sleeper in order to keep up their healthier diet or commit to choosing the healthier options at truck stops (which, 说实话吧, 可以变化并变得重复, 导致某种食物燃烧殆尽*咳嗽*杏仁*咳嗽*). Still, these two types of drivers have it a bit easier than their over-the-road colleagues. Most trucks that go over the road keep a fridge and microwave in the bunk which can be a game changer for the trucker’s health. 这些司机面临的更大挑战之一, 在有限的餐厅选择之外, is the accessibility to grocery stores while on their routes through the month so there would need to be additional planning involved.

吃更好的食物不仅有利于身体健康,也有利于司机的心态. 尽管这很难,尽管有些人可能不想总是选择更好的选择, 健康的食物会让你的头脑更清醒,让你的肚子更快乐.

说到头脑清醒, 卡车司机的心理健康是一个大话题,我们无法用一段话来解释, 但这是让车手保持最佳状态的巅峰. 当地的, 区域, 公路司机在他们的工作和职业生涯中都有独特的压力源, 有时很难找到足够的时间来减压. All drivers are different when it comes to how much home time they need and how frequently they would need to take a break, 但所有司机仍然需要它,以便尽其所能地完成工作. 司机 can undergo intense pressure from their companies or customers to keep rolling and can forget to take a break for themselves to not just rest but enjoy a hobby or down time. 这是一个重要的部分,保持司机健康和稳定,而在外面的道路. 作为一名司机,其他人很难察觉到自己的倦怠, 为自己辩护是很重要的!

最后是服务时间. 在2005年服务时间法和ELD的重大变化之前, it was sometimes expected and easy for a truck driver to go beyond his physical capability to deliver loads. Whether it was the driver themselves pushing their limits or the company putting pressure on the driver, 为了负担而失眠是一种危险的游戏. 随着时间的流逝, hours of service laws have evolved to become stricter with each iteration in hopes to minimize a fatigued driver behind the wheel.

Click here for an interesting read on the history of hours of service that dates back to 1937!

While getting enough sleep is important for driver safety, it is just as important for their health. 睡眠有助于保持头脑清醒,支持健康的免疫系统. Making time for restful sleep is one of the best things a driver can do to ensure a better day tomorrow.


Ø运动是关键! 你不需要每天跑3英里,但每一站的一点点都很重要.

Ø Choose the alternative food option or plan meals ahead as best you can to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Ø花点时间闻闻玫瑰花香吧. 享受一个爱好,利用休息时间做一些刺激精神的活动.

Ø为你自己发声,倾听你的身体, 尤其是当你觉得自己接近极限的时候.

Ø把Z写进去,让它们有意义! 限制睡前看屏幕的时间,让你睡得更安稳.

It may sound like a lot of work but it’s okay to take baby steps to change current habits that can lead to a healthier lifestyle. 做一些小的调整,并坚持下去,就能让一切变得不同!


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