Driver Burn Out – What it Looks Like and How to Fight it.

司机突然变得没有反应或疏远, their attitudes change quicker than the winds in Oklahoma, maybe they’re not as cheerful over the phone as they used to be. 也许你觉得没什么大不了的. Maybe they’re having a bad day, besides, you’ve got enough to deal with as it is.  

或者他们已经有点筋疲力尽了. 他们的身心都可能在背靠背的跑步或可能不得不与之合作的不友善的托运人的影响下开始崩溃, 离开家的时间还有很多.

Does your company know how to prevent or reverse driver burn out? What actions can be taken to reduce it and make an impact to turn the tide?


“如果卡车不动,你就赚不到钱.这是卡车十大彩票平台业的真理,尤其是如果你是一个业主. While there is definitive proof that this is one hundred percent true, that doesn’t mean drivers have a happy and healthy lifestyle around it.

The adage is infamous but emphasizes a sense of “no matter what you’re going through, 忍着点,去赚钱吧.” We have all had that mind set at one point in our lives, 对于一些司机来说, 他们的一生,也许, 只是也许, 这与司机短缺有关.

The life of a truck driver is certainly not the most glamorous nor comfortable. 与他们作对的诸多因素可能会迅速累积起来,使即使是最善良的卡车司机也变得愤世嫉俗. 这一切都是说,这是重要的解决办法, 承认并理解这一天, 司机们每天都在努力争取喘息的机会, provisions and solutions that could aide in driver retention and satisfaction.


As mentioned above, a shift in attitude is the biggest indicator. 是的, 态度主要是我们选择如何应对我们的环境,但如果我们诚实, we all have our breaking point and have said or done things based on emotion. 与司机的日常沟通,并特别注意他们对问题或调度的典型反应,将是衡量司机如何坚持的最佳方式. 他们是否通常以积极的语气交谈,现在对计划的任何微小变化都很简短和生气? This can happen quickly or over time, making it hard to pay attention to and notice.

Finding excuses to not work or dip out for the day is a tricky indicator. There are always emergencies that come up that keep drivers from working for the day, 这并不是要否定它们. But a keen dispatcher or manager will notice more and more days being taken off, 经常, 不管出于什么原因. 这可能不是司机不想完全完成他们的工作,而是他们的身体和/或精神上无法让自己完成工作.

“George woke up in his cab one morning and didn't feel like driving. “我太累了,所以我就整天坐在教室里,喝咖啡,玩电子游戏. I told my dispatcher that I had been throwing up and couldn't drive. I didn't like lying, and it made me feel like a deadbeat, but I didn't have a choice. 我太累了. Truth be told, I didn't really give a crap about the load anymore, or the job. 什么都不重要.’

三年级司机, 谁要求不透露他的真实姓名, 不仅仅是累了, 对他的工作感到厌烦或不开心, 他可能是“精疲力竭”了,这个区别让司机和他们的全球十大网赌正规平台,甚至一些医生都感到困惑和困惑,但这是一种严重而明确的疾病,要想康复可不是一晚上安稳的睡眠能做到的. 而倦怠这个词经常被错误地用来描述从疲惫到讨厌你的工作等各种事情, those who have studied the subject say it encompasses specific criteria and, 不幸的是, 是极其难以恢复的吗. 许多患者必须辞去工作才能做到这一点.” –







大多数全球十大网赌正规平台可以立即使用的唾手可得的成果是与他们的司机进行签到. Not just with the driver’s dispatcher but their supervisors as well. 为了让这些检查更有成效,从一开始就创造一个信任的环境是很重要的,这样可以帮助司机在告诉你他们在做什么以及他们的心理状态时感到舒适. 司机和一些经理之间可能存在一定程度的不信任,这可能是因为过去的全球十大网赌正规平台解雇了他们,也可能是因为担心受到虐待或被解雇而不愿分享自己的真实想法.

为司机创造舒适环境的关键是有意识地了解他们和他们的需求. 每个司机都是不同的. Some want more home time; some could stay out for months and the rest can fall in between. Sometimes a driver may prefer a certain route as other induce more stress on them. 并不是所有的司机都符合全球十大网赌正规平台为他们创造的模式,对那些尽了最大努力的司机要有灵活性,在不太理想的情况下也要保持积极的态度.

总体满意度也来自于薪酬。. Money talks and it’s important to be able to compete in this market. 越来越多的司机发现了自己的价值,并采取了行动,这是近年来司机流动率上升的原因. 把工资集中在司机身上是有道理的,因为没有他们,全球十大网赌正规平台就无法盈利.

So, 下次你再听到这句话如果卡车停了, 你没有赚钱, make sure the work is being put in to keep someone behind the wheel of that truck. 错过一辆车是一回事,但失去一名司机最终会让全球十大网赌正规平台付出更大的代价.

We know drivers have the pick of the litter when it comes to who they choose to work for. 每天都有全球十大网赌正规平台来找他们,承诺会给他们带来辉煌,但大多数情况下,几个月后他们就功亏一篑了. 野云雀有意为我们的司机投资,并不断学习为司机做得更好.

今天加入我们,成为草地云雀最好的一部分. (877) 590-5450



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